Coach Application & Requirements

Coach Applications for 2025/26 will open soon!

Unleash your passion and lead the way—sign up to coach today and be the driving force behind our young athletes' success: Coach Application

Coach certifications are fully reimbursed by SCRA. 


Police Checks

Police checks require updating every three years from date of issue.


Safe Sport

Respect in Sport Activity Leader is no longer accepted by Ringette Alberta.

The free online Safe Sport e-module is required for Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Junior Coaches and On Ice Assistants. Respect in Sport PARENT is NOT accepted in place of Safe Sport.

If you completed RIS Parent you will still need to complete Safe Sport if you are a team staff member on a team roster to meet the Ringette Alberta requirement.

PD & Status Renewal

The NCCP and Ringette Canada require coaches to maintain a coaching status over a 5-year cycle. The first cycle expired January 1, 2019 for anyone who completed training in 2014 or earlier, and everyone since then will expire 5 years from the date of their training/certification. Coaches renew their status by doing Professional Development (PD) and receiving points.

If your status has expired, you will not be approved or be eligible to be on the bench until you complete the missing points and successfully renew.

For more information visit the Ringette Alberta Website:






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